In order to do this, you need to structure the document using one of two XML Schemas included in your Stylus Studio® installation, CustomEDI-extend.xsd or CustomEDI-complete.xsd. The purpose of this document is to teach the DataDirect XML Converter engine the differences between yourĬustom EDI message type and the EDI standard message type on which it is based. Type differs from the EDI standard on which it is based - its extensions or restrictions, in other words.
Create an XML document ( m圜ustomEDI.extension, for example) that describes how the custom EDI message. The process for converting an EDI file that includes a custom EDI message type to XML has the following steps: It has a sub-field structure, and so on). Structurally different (it allows messages to span documents, it allows segments to be split and continued, You cannot, for example, create an HL7 EDI message, since HL7 is Of the DataDirect XML Converters™ engine depends on the initial segments of those dialects as well as on EDIFACT-style messages ( EDIFACT-style includes IATA and EANCOM)Ĭustom message types must be either EDIFACT- or X12-style messages, since the auto-detection feature. Now, using Stylus Studio® and DataDirect XML Converters™, you can convert custom EDI message types to XML (and back!) for these EDI dialects: But what if your organization uses a customized EDI, that is, an extension (or restriction) to a standard EDI message type? Stylus Studio® has the answer. Great, if you're working with files that conform to documented EDI standards like EDIFACT, IATA, and X12. DataDirect XML Converters™ allow you to convert numerous file formats - EDI, CSV, dBase, to name just a few of the dozens of legacy file formats supported by DataDirect XML Converters™ - to XML and back.
Stylus Studio® provides access to DataDirect XML Converters™ through the Stylus Studio® desktop. Buy Now > Converting Custom EDI Message Types to XML with DataDirect XML Converters™